Admission & Facilities

Fees Structure

Sant Baba Sewa Singh Ji Khalsa Model School Fees Structure

Admission Fee (Nur, 6th & 9th) 1000
Annual Funds 1500
Accessory (I Card,Syllabus,Diary,House Exam Stat. etc) 500
Registration 200
Grand total 3200


Tuition Fee Details

Classes Tuition Fee
(Per month)
2nd Child
(20% off)
3rd Child
(80% off)
Nur to UKG 430 350 80
1st & 3rd 500 400 100
4th to 5th 600 480 120
6th & 7th 650 520 130
8th & 9th 750 600 150

You Can Download Fees Structure: Click Here to Download

Details of students whom concessions given (2017-18) : Download List_1

Details of students whom concessions given (2017-18) : Download List_2

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